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Updated: 2023-09-04 08:04 ( CHINA DAILY )
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Timeless grace

Ceramics made in the official kilns during the consecutive reigns of Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong vividly exemplify prosperity under the rule of these three Qing Dynasty(1644-1911) emperors. The highly decorative objects sparkle with majestic grandeur, and serve as a platform for the technological sophistication and artistry of Chinese ceramics. The Liaoning Provincial Museum has just opened a long-term show of selected porcelains manufactured at the imperial kilns during the three reigns. The selections embody the inheritance of monochromatic ceramics, which achieved its peak prior to the three emperors, as well as major breakthroughs in multicolored patterns and intricate structures.

9 am-5 pm, closed on Mondays.157 Zhihui Sanjie, Hunnan district,Shenyang, Liaoning province.024-2320-5102.


Beauty of ordinary

In his still life paintings, Tong Ziyun likes to lend a uniqueness and distinction to things commonly found in daily life, including cactuses,paper boxes, furniture and plaster figures. Layering strokes with ration and reserve, he tries to give these inconspicuous objects a feeling of dignity. In depicting such ordinary items, the artist's solo exhibition of still lifes, Maybe Real, evokes in viewers collective memories. For example, used paper boxes and old-fashioned furniture hint at the transition to today's highly industrialized period, characterized by overconsumption. One finds in Tong's work, which often delivers an inclusive atmosphere, shared experiences, as well as the individual memories of the artist, and his obsession with classical art. The exhibition runs at Parkview Green Art gallery until Sept 17.

10 am-10 pm, daily. Parkview Green Fangcaodi, 9 Dongdaqiao Lu, Chaoyang district, Beijing. 010-5662-8596.


Women in focus

South Korean artist Woo Kukwon's paintings on show at his solo exhibition in Beijing, Once Upon Her Time,demonstrate a continuation of his distinctive comic style. With their vibrant colors and comic depictions,his illusive scenes blur the distinction between reality and dreams.This time, he has focused on women, portraying characters from popular novels, movies, myths and comics, including Alice from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Eliza Doolittle as played by Audrey Hepburn in My Fair Lady, and Jo March from Little Women. He places them in settings partly based on the original descriptions, and partly devised by himself, in which the women are empowered in face of the difficulties. Quotes like "After all,tomorrow is another day", spoken by Scarlett O'Hara in Gone With the Wind, are displayed on the wall. In doing so, Woo expresses his understanding and concern for women juggling different social roles.Curated by Dai Zhuoqun, the exhibition is currently on show at the Tang Contemporary Art's first space in the 798 art zone, through Sept 16.

11 am-6:30 pm, closed on Mondays.D06, 798 art zone, 2 Jiuxianqiao Lu,Chaoyang district, Beijing.010-5978-9610.

Men and space

Zhao Jiawei's work mixes photography, giclee and collage to challenge fixed ways of reading images and deciphering the information they contain. His work is grounded in his time spent living and studying in different cities abroad. He attempts to produce a feeling of displacement to examine the relations between people and the spaces they inhabit,and the new ways of life this represents. Meanwhile, he mixes images of city views and commodities,engaging the audience in a dialogue on cultural symbolism and the sense of belonging. Zhao's one-man show,The Third Space, is on display at the Xi'an Art Museum until Sept 6.

10 am-10 pm, closed on Mondays.Inside the Datang Buyecheng,Qujiang New District, Xi'an, Shaanxi province. 173-1993-3138.

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